CBD for Menstrual Cramps: 3 Ways to Prevent PMS Headaches
Just in time for the start of a new year, you may be considering trying CBD to reduce menstrual cramps. If so, there are three ways that it can help you avoid headaches during PMS!
Key highlights
First, let’s take a look at how CBD works on your brain. Unlike THC, which is psychoactive and binds with pain receptors in the central nervous system, CBD does not bind with these receptors. Instead, it activates adenosine receptors- this has an effect on dopamine levels which in turn lowers inflammation in the body! This means that CBD will reduce both pain and inflammation while also improving sleep quality.
Second, CBD for PMS is known to balance hormones! I know it sounds like an ad for one of those TV reproductive health supplements, but this is true (and not at all ironic). The endocannabinoid system regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which in turn governs hormone production.
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School found that there was dysregulation of CB receptors in women with severe PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. This means their bodies were producing too much cortisol and other stress hormones leading to increased pain and inflammation before menstruation began.
Third, THC has been shown to increase migraines during periods of high estrogen when compared to placebo users. However, this same study showed a significant reduction in migraine frequency when CBD was used. This means that CBD may be able to reduce migraine frequency during PMS!
So don’t wait until your period is over; start trying these simple steps now, and you’ll feel the relief before PMS even begins!
PMS headaches and CBD
PMS headaches are among the most common complaints during menstruation. Whether you are dealing with a headache due to menstrual cramps or something else, CBD oil has been shown to be an effective treatment in managing this type of pain.
There is no cure for PMS, and there can be many different factors that cause it, but our bodies have cannabinoid receptors throughout, and they react very well when we introduce CBD into them. So if you suffer from severe birth control-related headaches or just some mild ones on occasion, know that using hemp oil as medicine will give you some relief!
CBD is currently being used as a “last resort” medication for those who suffer from chronic diseases such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and more. More research needs to be done on cannabinoids to prove their effectiveness, but so far, there have been many studies that show how beneficial they are for humans!
There are many ways of using CBD oil for menstrual cramps: topical application, oral ingestion through capsules or edibles, and inhalation. Each has its unique benefits depending on what your preference is when it comes to consuming your medicine.